Common skin allergies in babies and how to treat them

Skin allergies and rashes are common in babies and require little to no medication or treatment most skin problems resolve with time but if they don’t you might have to take your little one to a pediatrician here are some common skin allergies that affect babies.

#1 Atopic eczema

This is an inflammatory skin condition that can develop in a baby after the age of two months eczema is characterized by red itchy rashes that may have tiny red bumps treatment if your baby develops this skin condition bathe him well use a mild skin cleanser that is fragrance free and is prescribed by a pediatrician or dermatologist do not buy over the counter the condition is severe check with your dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment

Atopic eczema

#2 Papilla urticaria (Bug Bites)

Papilla urticaria or bug bites this rash is commonly seen in exposed areas such as the hands face and neck it can lead to hives all over the body giving the impression that there are a lot of insect bites though it might be just one treatment as this is a common skin allergy a topical steroid cream is usually suggested for relief from the itching an antihistamine might also provide relief and should be given at night in case the rashes get infected an antibiotic cream may be prescribed by your child’s doctor

Papilla urticaria

#3 Heat rash heat rash sweat rash or prickly heat

Malaria or heat rash heat rash sweat rash or prickly heat is commonly seen on the baby’s face neck back underarms or bottom it is a skin rash that appears when the skin gets too warm babies with sensitive skin and who live in warm weather are especially prone to this treatment it usually resolves on its own and no specific treatment is required make your baby wear comfortable clothes which will help speed up the healing process

Heat Rash

#4 Hives

Hives are transient evidence and dermal edema and can either disappear within a few hours or last for a few weeks they can range in size and shape and can develop anywhere on the body treatment an antihistamine medication can provide some quick relief to your baby if it happens frequently your doctor might ask you to note down every detail of your child’s day to find out what triggers the reaction


#5 Intertrigo

Intertrigo often seen in chubby babies this rash appears in the folds of the skin with the neck being the most common spot as the skin allergy develops skin to skin friction can cause some pain treatment you must wash and clean the folds of your baby’s skin with water and dry it well then apply petroleum jelly or a zinc oxide barrier cream to speed up the healing process a topical steroid may be prescribed in severe cases as also oral medication a good deal of patients is required when dealing with skin allergies in babies prevention is the key when it comes to skin allergies try to keep your baby safe from skin allergies by maintaining good hygiene and keeping your baby’s skin clean and dry as much as possible


These are the few common problems which are faced by the babies hope you like this small info but always consult the doctor first before any treatment. Please give your thoughts in the comment section for improvements and discussions.

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